Amongst all the variety, the children have a few favourites:
- Tuscan Lamb & Bean Casserole with wholemeal couscous
- Beef and Vegetable Ragu with pasta
- Vegetable platter & Vita-Wheat crackers with tzatziki dip
- Wholemeal toast with avocado and sliced tomato
Every Kindalin centre is a registered Food Business and operates an on-site commercial-grade kitchen with a dedicated chef who creates our meals fresh and daily.
The Kindalin Menu is designed and updated in partnership with Castle Hill Nutrition and Wellbeing Clinic's Dietitian Fiona Kupresanin. We have ensured our freshly-cooked, daily menu follows the 'Australian Guidelines for Healthy Eating'.
Featuring delicious, whole foods-based recipes, lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, low-GI foods and culturally sensitive proteins that kids love. Our rotating menu includes options for vegetarians and children with allergies.