Parents are encouraged to attend this workshop to gain a clearer understanding of children’s language development. Research shows that a strong foundation in speech and language underpins academic success. Early intervention is the key to preventing many learning difficulties.
Come to this fantastic workshop to find out:
- An idea of what can be expected from sounds to words to sentences and whether your child’s communication is developing well.
- The best way to correct your children’s words and sentences.
- The role of technology such as ipads, TV and computers in your children’s lives.
- Recommendations of the best books you can read to your pre-schooler (and why)!
- The simple (and fun) word games you can play in the car to expand vocabulary.
If you have concerns about your child’s language development or want to find out more, we encourage you to attend, there will be opportunity to ask Lauren questions about any concerns you may have.
These events concluded in 2017.
Lauren is a Speech Pathologist and the director of North Shore Speech Therapy a leading private Speech Pathology practice with 4 locations in Sydney’s Upper and Lower North Shore. Her clinics employ over 20 Speech Pathologists and continue to provide outstanding, evidence-based therapy as they have done for over 15 years.
Lauren’s passion is conducting teacher education and informing the community about speech, language and learning.