Guiding Children's Behaviour with Dr Louise Porter [event] - Kindalin ~* Early Childhood Learning Centres : Kindalin ~* Early Childhood Learning Centres

Guiding Children’s Behaviour with Dr Louise Porter [event] 

Kindalin Staff have been inspired by Dr Louise Porter at our 2019 Staff Conference and strongly encourage Kindalin families to make the most of this great opportunity to hear effective ideas about guiding children's behaviour.

This FREE Expert Speaker Event has concluded.

In this seminar, Dr Louise Porter will compare and contrast two styles of parenting: controlling discipline (which uses rewards to get children to do more of what we like and punishments to cause them to desist from doing something we do not like) and a guidance approach.

Guidance believes that children do well when they can. Like us, children want to be successful. Therefore, if they are making mistakes, it is not because they lack incentives to behave better but because they lack skill – the main one of which is the ability to regulate their feelings and impulses. If we punished them for lacking skills, we would punish them for being children.

Therefore, the guidance does not use rewards or punishments but instead gives children information about their successes (acknowledgment) and, when their behaviour is disruptive, supports the children to get back in command so they can return to considerate behaviour.

Dr Louise Porter is a child psychologist with over 35 years of experience in private practice consulting with parents and practitioners about children’s developmental and social or emotional challenges. Alongside this private work, she was also employed for 10 years in disability and mainstream education settings and then lectured at Flinders University for 13 years on topics relating to early childhood, unique and gifted education, and behaviour management. She is particularly interested in how adults can guide children’s behaviour, which was the subject of her doctorate.

She has published several books on children’s behaviour: Parental Guidance Recommended, Young Children’s BehaviourA Comprehensive Guide to Classroom Management, plus a DVD Guiding Children’s Behaviour.

For more information: